Publications and Presentations
*BYU graduate students, **BYU undergraduate students
Journal Publications
- CK Nelson*, M Kline, A Payne, CR Dillon (2025). Computational predictions of magnetic resonance acoustic radiation force imaging for breast cancer focused ultrasound therapy Int J Hyperthermia, in press.
- SG Sanderson**, B Easthope*, C Farias**, I Doddridge**, JA Cook, DB Dahl, CR Dillon (2024). Characterizing temperature-dependent acoustic and thermal tissue properties for high-intensity focused ultrasound computational modeling. Int J Thermophys, 45, 143.
- R Merrill, H Odéen, CR Dillon, R Bitton, P Ghanouni, A Payne (2021). Design and evaluation of an open-source, conformable skin-cooling system for body magnetic resonance guided focused ultrasound treatments. Int J Hyperthermia, 38(1), 679-690.
- CR Dillon, M Rezvani, H McLean, M Adelman, M Dassel, E Jarboe, M Janát‐Amsbury, A Payne (2019). A tissue preparation to characterize uterine fibroid tissue properties for thermal therapies. Med Phys, 44 (6), 2793-2794.
- B Svedin, CR Dillon, D Parker (2019). Effect of k-space-weighted image contrast and ultrasound focus size on the accuracy of proton resonance frequency thermometry. Magn Reson Med, 81(1), 247-257.
- S Johnson, D Christensen, CR Dillon, A Payne (2018). Validation of hybrid angular spectrum acoustic and thermal modelling in phantoms. Int J Hyperthermia, 35 (1), 578-590.
- CR Dillon, A Farrer, H McLean, S Almquist, D Christensen, A Payne (2018). Experimental assessment of phase aberration correction for breast MRgFUS therapy. Int J Hyperthermia, 34(6), 731-743.
- CR Dillon, V Rieke, P Ghanouni, A Payne (2017). Thermal diffusivity and perfusion constants from in vivo MR-guided focused ultrasound treatments: a feasibility study. Int J Hyperthermia, 34(4), 352-362.
- N Frazier, A Payne, CR Dillon, N Subrahmanyam, H Ghandehari (2017). Enhanced Efficacy of Combination Heat Shock Targeted Polymer Therapeutics with High Intensity Focused Ultrasound. Nanomed Nanotech Biol Med, 13(3), 1235-1243.
- N Frazier, A Payne, J de Bever, CR Dillon, A Panda, N Subrahmanyam, H Ghandehari (2016). High intensity focused ultrasound hyperthermia for enhanced macromolecular delivery. J Control Release, 241, 186-193.
- S Johnson, CR Dillon, H Odéen, D Parker, D Christensen, A Payne (2016). Development and validation of a MRgHIFU non-invasive tissue acoustic property estimation technique. Int J Hyperthermia, 32(7), 723-734.
- Y Shi, D Parker, CR Dillon (2016). Sensitivity of tissue properties derived from MRgFUS temperature data to input errors and data inclusion criteria: ex vivo study in porcine muscle. Phys Med Biol, 61(15), N373-N385.
- A Farrer, S Almquist, CR Dillon, L Neumayer, D Parker, D Christensen, A Payne (2016). Phase aberration simulation study of MRgFUS breast treatments. Med Phys, 43(3), 1374-1384.
- CR Dillon, G Borasi, A Payne (2016). Analytical estimation of ultrasound properties, thermal diffusivity, and perfusion using magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound temperature data. Phys Med Biol, 61(2), 923-936.
- H Odéen, N Todd, CR Dillon, A Payne, D Parker (2016). Model predictive filtering MR thermometry: effects of model inaccuracies, k-space reduction factor, and temperature increase rate. Magn Reson Med, 75(1), 207-216.
- CR Dillon, R Roemer, A Payne (2015). Magnetic resonance temperature imaging-based quantification of blood flow-related energy losses. NMR Biomed, 28(7), 841-851.
- CR Dillon, A Payne, D Christensen, R Roemer (2014). The accuracy and precision of two non-invasive, magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound-based thermal diffusivity estimation methods. Int J Hyperthermia, 30(6), 362-371.
- CR Dillon, N Todd, A Payne, D Parker, D Christensen, R Roemer (2013). Effects of MRTI sampling characteristics on estimation of HIFU SAR and tissue thermal diffusivity. Phys Med Biol, 58(20), 7291-7307.
- N Rapoport, A Payne, CR Dillon, J Shea, C Scaife, R Gupta (2013). Focused ultrasound-mediated drug delivery to pancreatic cancer in a mouse model. J Therapeutic Ultrasound, 1(1), 1-11.
- CR Dillon, U Vyas, A Payne, D Christensen, R Roemer (2012). An analytical solution for improved HIFU SAR estimation. Phys Med Biol, 57(14), 4527-4544.
Conference Proceedings Papers
- JG Bates*, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer (2025). Multifidelity uncertainty quantification of a notional munition in a fire scenario using reduced order models. ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, submitted.
- JG Bates*, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer (2025). Empirical and analytical eigenfunctions as bases for reduced order methods in heat transfer. ASTFE Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, accepted.
- A Chipana**, J Moore**, M Hancock**, SG Sanderson**, JR Hill, CR Dillon (2024). Investigating the feasibility of focused ultrasound actuation of shape memory alloy. ASME Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures Intelligent Systems, V001T06A007,
- A Chipana**, JR Hill, CR Dillon (2023). In situ actuation of shape memory alloy using focused ultrasound. ASME Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures Intelligent Systems, V001T04A005.
- CR Dillon, R Roemer, A Payne (2015). Quantifying perfusion-related energy losses during magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound. J Therapeutic Ultrasound, 3, O103.
- CR Dillon, A Payne, R Roemer (2013). Comparison of two techniques for estimation of thermal diffusivity with MRgHIFU, Proceedings of ISMRM, 21, 1824.
Journal Manuscripts: Under Review and in Preparation
- Z Ross**, G Hirst*, A Rose**, N Graff**, K Campbell**, P Reynolds, CR Dillon, B Terry. Validating novel technologies for nondestructive characterization of soft tissue morphology and stiffness IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, under review.
- C Valencia Narva*, CR Dillon. “The impact of temperature-dependent properties on focused ultrasound simulations.” Int J Hyperthermia, Anticipated submission Feb 2025.
- JG Bates*, TB Burnett**, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer. “Leveraging reduced order models for efficient multifidelity uncertainty quantification of thermal systems.” J Heat Mass Transfer, Anticipated submission Feb 2025.
- B Jackson**, N Peterson**, T Forbes**, R Harris**, A Martin**, B Geiger**, J Lehnhof**, CK Nelson*, A Payne, CR Dillon. “Inter-observer variability in breast MRI segmentation and its impact on focused ultrasound thermal therapy modeling.” Int J Hyperthermia, Anticipated submission April 2025.
- TB Burnett**, JG Bates*, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer. “Analysis of approximations in thermal diffusivity measurements using high fidelity simulations.” J Heat Mass Transfer, Anticipated submission April 2025.
- K Gunson**, T Waite**, W Sims**, S Rowe**, A Edwards**, C Paul**, SP Allen, CR Dillon. “The potential of convection heat transfer in facilitating treatment of off-center targets in transcranial focused ultrasound.” Int J Hyperthermia, Anticipated submission April 2025.
- K Wolfley**, E Murray**, R Mecham**, C Jarvis**, J McConkie**, J Wilcox**, S Bott, M Allen, CR Dillon, “Repeatibility of Achilles tendon stress measurements in ballet dancers via shear wave tensiometry.” J Biomechanics, Anticipated submission May 2025.
- B Easthope*, CR Dillon. “Temperature-dependent acoustic and thermal properties of fat.” Int J Thermophys, Anticipated submission Aug 2025.
- SG Sanderson**, M Kline, A Payne, CR Dillon. “A conduction-convection heat transfer model for pre-treatment planning of high-intensity focused ultrasound breast tumor ablation with an integrated skin-cooling system.” Int J Hyperthermia, Anticipated submission Aug 2025.
- W Sims**, T Waite**, K Gunson**, S Rowe**, SP Allen, CR Dillon. “Untapped potential of convection heat transfer during transcranial focused ultrasound therapies.” Int J Hyperthermia, Anticipated submission Dec 2025.
Sandia National Laboratories Internal Reports
- J Suo-Anttila, C Fitzgerald, J Koenig, J Goar, S Altamirano, A Cruz-Cabrera, E Bystrom, R Flanagan, CR Dillon, J Manuel, D Castillo. W80-4 Group 2 Firing Set Assembly Thermal and Pressurization Qualification Experiments. Sandia Report, 2021, in Review and Approval.
- CR Dillon, A Thermal Analyst’s Guide to Modeling the Radiant Heat Array, Sandia Report, 2021, SAND 2021-XXXX.
- CR Dillon, N Grieb, K Son, W Hodges. Normal Thermal Environments Mobile Guardian Transporter Trailer Model Development Report. Sandia Report, 2021, SAND 2021-XXXX.
- J Engerer, CR Dillon, B Schroeder, H Silva. Unclassified reentry vehicle: impact of thermal protection mechanisms on thermal races. Sandia report, SAND2021-2790.
- L Beghini, CR Dillon, N Francis, A Hanson, A Murphy, S Tan-Torres. FY20 ASC V&V Level 2 Milestone #7184: Margins and uncertainty for weapon safety in combined abnormal environments. Sandia report, September 2020, SAND2020-10034.
- CR Dillon. Modeling of W80-4 Group 1 firing set assembly thermal qualification tests. Sandia Report, April 2020, SAND2020-4562.
- J Suo-Anttila, J Manuel, J Steward, D Castillo, H Duong, V Valdez, C Fitzgerald, S Altamirano, C Hanks, CR Dillon, J Tencer, T Johnson. W80-4 Group 1 firing set assembly thermal qualification. Sandia report, January 2020, SAND2020-0060.
- A Murphy, S Tan-Torres, V Brunini, CR Dillon, S Wiryadinata, S Espinosa, S Subia, D Moser, S Domino, J Clausen, B Houchens. FY19 ASC P&EM/IC Level 2 Milestone #6805: Demonstrate ability to assess crash and burn scenarios. Sandia report, September 2019, SAND2019-11238 R.
- M Heinstein, J Clausen, V Brunini, J Thomas, B Houchens, CR Dillon. Thermal/mechanical modeling for crash and burn use cases. Sandia report, September 2018, SAND2018-10755.
*BYU graduate students, **BYU undergraduate students
International/National Conferences: Podium
- A Chipana**, J Moore**, M Hancock**, SG Sanderson**, JR Hill, CR Dillon, “Investigating the feasibility of focused ultrasound actuation of shape memory alloy,” ASME SMASIS 2024, Atlanta, GA, Sept 9-11, 2024.
- JG Bates*, TB Burnett**, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer, “Multifidelity uncertainty quantification for focused ultrasound breast cancer therapies using reduced order models,” ASME SHTC 2024, Anaheim, CA, July 15-17, 2024.
- TB Burnett**, JG Bates*, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer, “Analysis of approximations in thermal diffusivity measurements using high fidelity simulations,” ASME SHTC 2024, Anaheim, CA, July 15-17, 2024.
- C Valencia Narva*, CR Dillon, “Comparing temperature-dependent and constant thermophysical properties in focused ultrasound simulations,” 39th Annual Society for Thermal Medicine Meeting, Houston, TX, May 13-15, 2024.
- C Paul**, A Edwards**, CR Dillon, SP Allen, “Validating a computational model for convection heat transfer during transcranial focused ultrasound therapies,” 39th Annual Society for Thermal Medicine Meeting, Houston, TX, May 13-15, 2024.
- AG Chipana**, CR Dillon, JR Hill, “In situ actuation of shape memory alloy using focused ultrasound,” ASME SMASIS 2023, Austin, TX, Sept 11-13, 2023.
- D Phair**, J Wilcox**, M Zoolakis**, MS Allen, CR Dillon, “Tendon shear wave tensiometry: application to flexor pollicis longis,” ASME IDETC Conference, Boston, MA, Aug 20-23, 2023.
- JG Bates*, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer, “Selecting bases for reduced order spectral representations of transient temperature profiles,” ASME SHTC 2023, Washington DC, July 10- 12, 2023.
- CR Dillon, M Janát-Amsbury, A Payne, “Characterizing uterine fibroid tissue properties for thermal therapies,” 34th Annual Society for Thermal Medicine Meeting, Cancun, Mexico, April 29-May 2, 2017.
- CR Dillon, M Janát-Amsbury, A Payne, “Characterization of uterine fibroid tissue properties for MRgFUS thermal therapies,” BMES Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Oct 5-8, 2016.
- A Payne, CR Dillon, I Christofferson, E Hilas, J Shea, “Acute blood pressure response during renal denervation in a normotensive rat model,” 5th International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC, Aug 28-Sept 1, 2016.
- CR Dillon, V Rieke, P Ghanouni, D Parker, A Payne, “In vivo pre-clinical and clinical MRgFUS estimation of thermal diffusivity and perfusion,” 16th International Symposium of Therapeutic Ultrasound, Tel Aviv, Israel, March 14-16, 2016.
- S Johnson, A Farrer, CR Dillon, D Christensen, A Payne, “Non-invasive estimation of acoustic attenuation for high intensity focused ultrasound treatments,” BMES Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, Oct 7-10, 2015.
- A Farrer, S Almquist, CR Dillon, D Parker, D Christensen, A Payne, “Phase aberration simulation study of MRgFUS breast treatments,” 15th International Symposium of Therapeutic Ultrasound, Utrecht, Netherlands, April 15-18, 2015.
- CR Dillon, R Roemer, A Payne, “Quantifying perfusion-related energy losses during magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound,” 4th International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC, Oct 12-16, 2014.
- CR Dillon, R Roemer, D Parker, A Payne, "A novel method for quantifying perfusion-induced energy losses in magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound," 31st Annual Society for Thermal Medicine Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 6-10, 2014.
- N Rapoport, A Payne, CR Dillon, J Shea, “MRI-guided focused ultrasound-mediated drug delivery to pancreatic cancer: safety and efficacy,” ISMRM 21st Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, April 20-26, 2013.
- N Rapoport, A Payne, N Todd, CR Dillon, J Shea, C Scaife and R Gupta, “MRI-guided drug delivery to pancreatic cancer using ultrasound-activated perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions (research in progess),” International Society of Therapeutic Ultrasound Annual Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, June 10-13, 2012.
International/National Conferences: Poster
- C Farias**, S Sanderson**, B Easthope*, I Doddridge**, CR Dillon, “Characterizing temperature- dependent tissue properties for focused ultrasound modeling,” BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Oct 11-14, 2023.
- TJ Talbot**, CR Dillon, “Development of an implicit finite-difference time-domain solver of the bioheat transfer equation,” BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Oct 11-14, 2023.
- L Badger**, K Monahan**, CR Dillon, “Minimizing uncertainty in tissue acoustic property measurements,” BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Oct 11-14, 2023.
- J Wilcox**, D Phair**, M Zoolakis**, M Allen, CR Dillon, “Development of a shear wave tensiometer for investigating Achilles tendinopathy in dancers,” BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Oct 11-14, 2023.
- AK Dame**, JT Grow**, SP Allen, H Odéen, CR Dillon, “A sensitivity study evaluating heating at the skull-brain interface during transcranial MRgFUS surgery,” 38th Annual Society for Thermal Medicine Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 24-27, 2023.
- CR Dillon, M Janát-Amsbury, A Payne, “A unique tissue preparation for characterizing uterine fibroid tissue properties for MRgFUS thermal therapies,” 5th International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC, Aug 28-Sept 1, 2016.
- A Farrer, S Almquist, CR Dillon, D Parker, D Christensen, A Payne, “Experimental assessment of phase aberration in MRgFUS breast treatments,” 5th International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC, Aug 28-Sept 1, 2016.
- M Holbrook, CR Dillon, S Almquist, A Payne, D Christensen, “Phantom development to verify ultrasound scattering in HIFU simulations,” BMES Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, Oct 7-10, 2015.
- S Johnson, A Farrer, CR Dillon, H Odéen, D Christensen, A Payne, “Non-invasive estimation of acoustic properties by minimization of experimental and simulated SAR,” 15th International Symposium of Therapeutic Ultrasound, Utrecht, Netherlands, April 15-18, 2015.
- CR Dillon, R Roemer, A Payne, “Quantifying perfusion-related energy losses during magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound,” 4th International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC, Oct 12-16, 2014.
- S Almquist, CR Dillon, D Parker, D Christensen, “A full-wave phase aberration correction method for transcranial high-intensity focused ultrasound brain therapies,” 4th International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC Metro Area, USA, Oct 12-16, 2014.
- H Odéen, N Todd, CR Dillon, A Payne, D Parker, “Effects of model inaccuracies in model predictive filtering MRTI,” ISMRM 22nd Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy, May 10-16, 2014.
- CR Dillon, D Christensen, R Roemer, “Non-invasive determination of bioheat transfer parameters for improved MRgHIFU treatment planning,” BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Sept 25-28, 2013.
- CR Dillon, A Payne, R Roemer, “Comparison of two techniques for estimation of thermal diffusivity with MRgHIFU,” ISMRM 21st Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, April 20-26, 2013.
- CR Dillon, N Todd, J de Bever, A Payne, D Parker, D Christensen and R Roemer, “Effects of using MR thermometry for estimation of HIFU SAR, beam FWHM, and tissue thermal diffusivity,” 3rd International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC, Oct 14-17, 2012.
- A Payne, N Todd, CR Dillon, J Shea, R Gupta and N Rapoport, “MRI-guided focused ultrasound mediated drug delivery to pancreatic cancer: safety and efficacy,” 3rd International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC, Oct 14-17, 2012.
- CR Dillon, N Todd, D Christensen, D Parker and R Roemer, “Magnetic resonance-guided HIFU SAR estimation,” 29th Annual Society for Thermal Medicine Meeting, Portland, OR, April 13-16, 2012.
- CR Dillon, U Vyas, A Payne, D Christensen and R Roemer, “Comparison of SAR estimation techniques in MRgHIFU,” International Society of Therapeutic Ultrasound Annual Conference, New York, NY, April 10-13, 2011.
Local/Regional Conferences
- N Peterson**, B Jackson**, R Harris**, J Moulder**, A Benedict**, T Forbes**, B Geiger**, E Revill**, D Wagstaff**, CR Dillon, “Influence of interobserver variability in segmentation on breast cancer MRgFUS simulations,” Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, Sept 21, 2024.
- EF Smith**, M Allen, CR Dillon, “Measuring shear wave speed in tendons using low-cost accelerometers on a flexible PCB with an Arduino microcontroller,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024, Orem, UT, Feb 15-16, 2024.
- J Moore**, A Chipana**, SG Sanderson**, JR Hill, CR Dillon, “Investigation of the impact of heat treatment on Nitinol wires,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024, Orem, UT, Feb 15-16, 2024.
- P Adelman**, MB Snyder**, JG Bates*, CR Dillon, “Acoustic calipers to measure human tissue properties,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024, Orem, UT, Feb 15-16, 2024.
- T Burnett**, JG Bates*, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer, “Quantifying approximation errors in flash thermal diffusivity measurement technique using high fidelity simulations,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024, Orem, UT, Feb 15-16, 2024.
- J McConkie**, J Wilcox**, D Phair**, E Smith**, M Allen, CR Dillon, “A portable device for measuring Achilles tendon stresses in dancers,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024, Orem, UT, Feb 15-16, 2024.
- C Nelson*, B Jackson**, T Forbes**, N Peterson**, R Harris**, CR Dillon, “Image segmentation for breast cancer ultrasound therapies,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024, Orem, UT, Feb 15-16, 2024.
- C Nelson*, B Jackson**, T Forbes**, N Peterson**, R Harris**, CR Dillon, “Medical image segmentation for breast cancer focused ultrasound therapies,” BYU Biomedical Engineering Association Research Conference, Provo, UT, Jan 25, 2024.
- K Li**, AW Johnson, SP Bott, CR Dillon, JK Sponbeck, C Nguyen, A Smedley, “The Effect of Menstruation Duration on the Achilles Tendon Cross-Sectional Area in Female Ballet Dancers," Southwest Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine, Costa Mesa, CA, October 27-28, 2023.
- L Badger**, K Monahan**, CR Dillon, “Reducing uncertainty in speed of sound and attenuation measurements,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2023, Salt Lake City, UT, Feb 17, 2023.
- B Easthope**, C Farias**, I Doddridge**, CR Dillon, “Characterizing temperature-dependent tissue properties for focused ultrasound modeling,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2023, Salt Lake City, UT, Feb 17, 2023.
- L Badger**, K Monahan**, CR Dillon, “Reducing uncertainty in speed of sound and attenuation measurements,” BYU Biomedical Engineering Association Research Conference, Provo, UT, Jan 19, 2023.
- B Easthope**, C Farias**, I Doddridge**, CR Dillon, “Characterizing temperature-dependent tissue properties for focused ultrasound modeling,” BYU Biomedical Engineering Association Research Conference, Provo, UT, Jan 19, 2023.
- CR Dillon, A Payne, D Christensen, R Roemer, “Non-invasive determination of bioheat transfer parameters for improved MRgHIFU treatment planning,” 9th Annual Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, Sept 7, 2013.
- CR Dillon, U Vyas, J de Bever, D Christensen and R Roemer, “Patient treatment planning for HIFU cancer therapy,” Canyons Symposium, Park City, UT, Sept 10-11, 2010.
- CR Dillon, A Payne, U Vyas, Y Wang, R Roemer, “Critically evaluating thermal models of perfused human tissue,” Canyons Symposium, Park City, UT, Sept 11-12, 2009.
Invited Talks
- CR Dillon, “Computational modeling for magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound therapies,” BYU Simmons Center for Cancer Research, Provo, UT, Nov 20, 2024.
- CR Dillon, “Computational modeling for MRgFUS therapies,” BYU Acoustics Research Group, Provo, UT, April 4, 2024.
- CR Dillon, “Bioheat transfer and why I should care about heat transfer in life,” BYU Mechanical Engineering Sweet Talks, Provo, UT, Mar 8, 2024.
- CR Dillon, “Accurate and efficient modeling for magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound treatment planning,” BYU Research Development Office Research Networking Conference, Provo, UT, Aug 29, 2023.
- CR Dillon, “Bioheat transfer: heat transfer in life,” BYU Mechanical Engineering Sweet Talks, Provo, UT, Mar 31, 2023.
- CR Dillon, “Bioheat transfer,” BYU Biomedical Grand Rounds, Provo, UT, Mar 16, 2023.
- CR Dillon, “Accelerated bioheat transfer modeling for magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) thermal therapies,” BYU Research Development Office Research Networking Conference, Provo, UT, Aug 23, 2022.
- CR Dillon, “Accelerated bioheat transfer modeling for MRgFUS thermal therapies,” BYU Biomedical Grand Rounds, Provo, UT, Mar 24, 2022.
- CR Dillon, “Mechanical engineers and focused ultrasound thermal therapies,” BYU Mechanical Engineering Sweet Talks, Provo, UT, Mar 4, 2022.
- CR Dillon, “Improving biothermal modeling of magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) therapies,” BYU Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar, Provo, UT, Feb 28, 2022.