Publications and Presentations Skip to main content

Publications and Presentations


*BYU graduate students, **BYU undergraduate students

Journal Publications

  1. CK Nelson*, M Kline, A Payne, CR Dillon (2025). Computational predictions of magnetic resonance acoustic radiation force imaging for breast cancer focused ultrasound therapy Int J Hyperthermia, in press.
  2. SG Sanderson**, B Easthope*, C Farias**, I Doddridge**, JA Cook, DB Dahl, CR Dillon (2024). Characterizing temperature-dependent acoustic and thermal tissue properties for high-intensity focused ultrasound computational modeling. Int J Thermophys, 45, 143.
  3. R Merrill, H Odéen, CR Dillon, R Bitton, P Ghanouni, A Payne (2021). Design and evaluation of an open-source, conformable skin-cooling system for body magnetic resonance guided focused ultrasound treatments. Int J Hyperthermia, 38(1), 679-690.
  4. CR Dillon, M Rezvani, H McLean, M Adelman, M Dassel, E Jarboe, M Janát‐Amsbury, A Payne (2019). A tissue preparation to characterize uterine fibroid tissue properties for thermal therapies. Med Phys, 44 (6), 2793-2794.
  5. B Svedin, CR Dillon, D Parker (2019). Effect of k-space-weighted image contrast and ultrasound focus size on the accuracy of proton resonance frequency thermometry. Magn Reson Med, 81(1), 247-257.
  6. S Johnson, D Christensen, CR Dillon, A Payne (2018). Validation of hybrid angular spectrum acoustic and thermal modelling in phantoms. Int J Hyperthermia, 35 (1), 578-590.
  7. CR Dillon, A Farrer, H McLean, S Almquist, D Christensen, A Payne (2018). Experimental assessment of phase aberration correction for breast MRgFUS therapy. Int J Hyperthermia, 34(6), 731-743.
  8. CR Dillon, V Rieke, P Ghanouni, A Payne (2017). Thermal diffusivity and perfusion constants from in vivo MR-guided focused ultrasound treatments: a feasibility study. Int J Hyperthermia, 34(4), 352-362.
  9. N Frazier, A Payne, CR Dillon, N Subrahmanyam, H Ghandehari (2017). Enhanced Efficacy of Combination Heat Shock Targeted Polymer Therapeutics with High Intensity Focused Ultrasound. Nanomed Nanotech Biol Med, 13(3), 1235-1243.
  10. N Frazier, A Payne, J de Bever, CR Dillon, A Panda, N Subrahmanyam, H Ghandehari (2016). High intensity focused ultrasound hyperthermia for enhanced macromolecular delivery. J Control Release, 241, 186-193.
  11. S Johnson, CR Dillon, H Odéen, D Parker, D Christensen, A Payne (2016). Development and validation of a MRgHIFU non-invasive tissue acoustic property estimation technique. Int J Hyperthermia, 32(7), 723-734.
  12. Y Shi, D Parker, CR Dillon (2016). Sensitivity of tissue properties derived from MRgFUS temperature data to input errors and data inclusion criteria: ex vivo study in porcine muscle. Phys Med Biol, 61(15), N373-N385.
  13. A Farrer, S Almquist, CR Dillon, L Neumayer, D Parker, D Christensen, A Payne (2016). Phase aberration simulation study of MRgFUS breast treatments. Med Phys, 43(3), 1374-1384.
  14. CR Dillon, G Borasi, A Payne (2016). Analytical estimation of ultrasound properties, thermal diffusivity, and perfusion using magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound temperature data. Phys Med Biol, 61(2), 923-936.
  15. H Odéen, N Todd, CR Dillon, A Payne, D Parker (2016). Model predictive filtering MR thermometry: effects of model inaccuracies, k-space reduction factor, and temperature increase rate. Magn Reson Med, 75(1), 207-216.
  16. CR Dillon, R Roemer, A Payne (2015). Magnetic resonance temperature imaging-based quantification of blood flow-related energy losses. NMR Biomed, 28(7), 841-851.
  17. CR Dillon, A Payne, D Christensen, R Roemer (2014). The accuracy and precision of two non-invasive, magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound-based thermal diffusivity estimation methods. Int J Hyperthermia, 30(6), 362-371.
  18. CR Dillon, N Todd, A Payne, D Parker, D Christensen, R Roemer (2013). Effects of MRTI sampling characteristics on estimation of HIFU SAR and tissue thermal diffusivity. Phys Med Biol, 58(20), 7291-7307.
  19. N Rapoport, A Payne, CR Dillon, J Shea, C Scaife, R Gupta (2013). Focused ultrasound-mediated drug delivery to pancreatic cancer in a mouse model. J Therapeutic Ultrasound, 1(1), 1-11.
  20. CR Dillon, U Vyas, A Payne, D Christensen, R Roemer (2012). An analytical solution for improved HIFU SAR estimation. Phys Med Biol, 57(14), 4527-4544.

Conference Proceedings Papers

  1. JG Bates*, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer (2025). Multifidelity uncertainty quantification of a notional munition in a fire scenario using reduced order models. ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, submitted.
  2. JG Bates*, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer (2025). Empirical and analytical eigenfunctions as bases for reduced order methods in heat transfer. ASTFE Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, accepted.
  3. A Chipana**, J Moore**, M Hancock**, SG Sanderson**, JR Hill, CR Dillon (2024). Investigating the feasibility of focused ultrasound actuation of shape memory alloy. ASME Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures Intelligent Systems, V001T06A007,
  4. A Chipana**, JR Hill, CR Dillon (2023). In situ actuation of shape memory alloy using focused ultrasound. ASME Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures Intelligent Systems, V001T04A005.
  5. CR Dillon, R Roemer, A Payne (2015). Quantifying perfusion-related energy losses during magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound. J Therapeutic Ultrasound, 3, O103.
  6. CR Dillon, A Payne, R Roemer (2013). Comparison of two techniques for estimation of thermal diffusivity with MRgHIFU, Proceedings of ISMRM, 21, 1824.

Journal Manuscripts: Under Review and in Preparation

  1. Z Ross**, G Hirst*, A Rose**, N Graff**, K Campbell**, P Reynolds, CR Dillon, B Terry. Validating novel technologies for nondestructive characterization of soft tissue morphology and stiffness IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, under review.
  2. C Valencia Narva*, CR Dillon. “The impact of temperature-dependent properties on focused ultrasound simulations.” Int J Hyperthermia, Anticipated submission Feb 2025.
  3. JG Bates*, TB Burnett**, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer. “Leveraging reduced order models for efficient multifidelity uncertainty quantification of thermal systems.” J Heat Mass Transfer, Anticipated submission Feb 2025.
  4. B Jackson**, N Peterson**, T Forbes**, R Harris**, A Martin**, B Geiger**, J Lehnhof**, CK Nelson*, A Payne, CR Dillon. “Inter-observer variability in breast MRI segmentation and its impact on focused ultrasound thermal therapy modeling.” Int J Hyperthermia, Anticipated submission April 2025.
  5. TB Burnett**, JG Bates*, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer. “Analysis of approximations in thermal diffusivity measurements using high fidelity simulations.” J Heat Mass Transfer, Anticipated submission April 2025.
  6. K Gunson**, T Waite**, W Sims**, S Rowe**, A Edwards**, C Paul**, SP Allen, CR Dillon. “The potential of convection heat transfer in facilitating treatment of off-center targets in transcranial focused ultrasound.” Int J Hyperthermia, Anticipated submission April 2025.
  7. K Wolfley**, E Murray**, R Mecham**, C Jarvis**, J McConkie**, J Wilcox**, S Bott, M Allen, CR Dillon, “Repeatibility of Achilles tendon stress measurements in ballet dancers via shear wave tensiometry.” J Biomechanics, Anticipated submission May 2025.
  8. B Easthope*, CR Dillon. “Temperature-dependent acoustic and thermal properties of fat.” Int J Thermophys, Anticipated submission Aug 2025.
  9. SG Sanderson**, M Kline, A Payne, CR Dillon. “A conduction-convection heat transfer model for pre-treatment planning of high-intensity focused ultrasound breast tumor ablation with an integrated skin-cooling system.” Int J Hyperthermia, Anticipated submission Aug 2025.
  10. W Sims**, T Waite**, K Gunson**, S Rowe**, SP Allen, CR Dillon. “Untapped potential of convection heat transfer during transcranial focused ultrasound therapies.” Int J Hyperthermia, Anticipated submission Dec 2025.

Sandia National Laboratories Internal Reports

  1. J Suo-Anttila, C Fitzgerald, J Koenig, J Goar, S Altamirano, A Cruz-Cabrera, E Bystrom, R Flanagan, CR Dillon, J Manuel, D Castillo. W80-4 Group 2 Firing Set Assembly Thermal and Pressurization Qualification Experiments. Sandia Report, 2021, in Review and Approval.
  2. CR Dillon, A Thermal Analyst’s Guide to Modeling the Radiant Heat Array, Sandia Report, 2021, SAND 2021-XXXX.
  3. CR Dillon, N Grieb, K Son, W Hodges. Normal Thermal Environments Mobile Guardian Transporter Trailer Model Development Report. Sandia Report, 2021, SAND 2021-XXXX.
  4. J Engerer, CR Dillon, B Schroeder, H Silva. Unclassified reentry vehicle: impact of thermal protection mechanisms on thermal races. Sandia report, SAND2021-2790.
  5. L Beghini, CR Dillon, N Francis, A Hanson, A Murphy, S Tan-Torres. FY20 ASC V&V Level 2 Milestone #7184: Margins and uncertainty for weapon safety in combined abnormal environments. Sandia report, September 2020, SAND2020-10034.
  6. CR Dillon. Modeling of W80-4 Group 1 firing set assembly thermal qualification tests. Sandia Report, April 2020, SAND2020-4562.
  7. J Suo-Anttila, J Manuel, J Steward, D Castillo, H Duong, V Valdez, C Fitzgerald, S Altamirano, C Hanks, CR Dillon, J Tencer, T Johnson. W80-4 Group 1 firing set assembly thermal qualification. Sandia report, January 2020, SAND2020-0060.
  8. A Murphy, S Tan-Torres, V Brunini, CR Dillon, S Wiryadinata, S Espinosa, S Subia, D Moser, S Domino, J Clausen, B Houchens. FY19 ASC P&EM/IC Level 2 Milestone #6805: Demonstrate ability to assess crash and burn scenarios. Sandia report, September 2019, SAND2019-11238 R.
  9. M Heinstein, J Clausen, V Brunini, J Thomas, B Houchens, CR Dillon. Thermal/mechanical modeling for crash and burn use cases. Sandia report, September 2018, SAND2018-10755.


*BYU graduate students, **BYU undergraduate students

International/National Conferences: Podium

  1. A Chipana**, J Moore**, M Hancock**, SG Sanderson**, JR Hill, CR Dillon, “Investigating the feasibility of focused ultrasound actuation of shape memory alloy,” ASME SMASIS 2024, Atlanta, GA, Sept 9-11, 2024.
  2. JG Bates*, TB Burnett**, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer, “Multifidelity uncertainty quantification for focused ultrasound breast cancer therapies using reduced order models,” ASME SHTC 2024, Anaheim, CA, July 15-17, 2024.
  3. TB Burnett**, JG Bates*, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer, “Analysis of approximations in thermal diffusivity measurements using high fidelity simulations,” ASME SHTC 2024, Anaheim, CA, July 15-17, 2024.
  4. C Valencia Narva*, CR Dillon, “Comparing temperature-dependent and constant thermophysical properties in focused ultrasound simulations,” 39th Annual Society for Thermal Medicine Meeting, Houston, TX, May 13-15, 2024.
  5. C Paul**, A Edwards**, CR Dillon, SP Allen, “Validating a computational model for convection heat transfer during transcranial focused ultrasound therapies,” 39th Annual Society for Thermal Medicine Meeting, Houston, TX, May 13-15, 2024.
  6. AG Chipana**, CR Dillon, JR Hill, “In situ actuation of shape memory alloy using focused ultrasound,” ASME SMASIS 2023, Austin, TX, Sept 11-13, 2023.
  7. D Phair**, J Wilcox**, M Zoolakis**, MS Allen, CR Dillon, “Tendon shear wave tensiometry: application to flexor pollicis longis,” ASME IDETC Conference, Boston, MA, Aug 20-23, 2023.
  8. JG Bates*, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer, “Selecting bases for reduced order spectral representations of transient temperature profiles,” ASME SHTC 2023, Washington DC, July 10- 12, 2023.
  9. CR Dillon, M Janát-Amsbury, A Payne, “Characterizing uterine fibroid tissue properties for thermal therapies,” 34th Annual Society for Thermal Medicine Meeting, Cancun, Mexico, April 29-May 2, 2017.
  10. CR Dillon, M Janát-Amsbury, A Payne, “Characterization of uterine fibroid tissue properties for MRgFUS thermal therapies,” BMES Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, Oct 5-8, 2016.
  11. A Payne, CR Dillon, I Christofferson, E Hilas, J Shea, “Acute blood pressure response during renal denervation in a normotensive rat model,” 5th International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC, Aug 28-Sept 1, 2016.
  12. CR Dillon, V Rieke, P Ghanouni, D Parker, A Payne, “In vivo pre-clinical and clinical MRgFUS estimation of thermal diffusivity and perfusion,” 16th International Symposium of Therapeutic Ultrasound, Tel Aviv, Israel, March 14-16, 2016.
  13. S Johnson, A Farrer, CR Dillon, D Christensen, A Payne, “Non-invasive estimation of acoustic attenuation for high intensity focused ultrasound treatments,” BMES Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, Oct 7-10, 2015.
  14. A Farrer, S Almquist, CR Dillon, D Parker, D Christensen, A Payne, “Phase aberration simulation study of MRgFUS breast treatments,” 15th International Symposium of Therapeutic Ultrasound, Utrecht, Netherlands, April 15-18, 2015.
  15. CR Dillon, R Roemer, A Payne, “Quantifying perfusion-related energy losses during magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound,” 4th International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC, Oct 12-16, 2014.
  16. CR Dillon, R Roemer, D Parker, A Payne, "A novel method for quantifying perfusion-induced energy losses in magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound," 31st Annual Society for Thermal Medicine Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 6-10, 2014.
  17. N Rapoport, A Payne, CR Dillon, J Shea, “MRI-guided focused ultrasound-mediated drug delivery to pancreatic cancer: safety and efficacy,” ISMRM 21st Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, April 20-26, 2013.
  18. N Rapoport, A Payne, N Todd, CR Dillon, J Shea, C Scaife and R Gupta, “MRI-guided drug delivery to pancreatic cancer using ultrasound-activated perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions (research in progess),” International Society of Therapeutic Ultrasound Annual Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, June 10-13, 2012.

International/National Conferences: Poster

  1. C Farias**, S Sanderson**, B Easthope*, I Doddridge**, CR Dillon, “Characterizing temperature- dependent tissue properties for focused ultrasound modeling,” BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Oct 11-14, 2023.
  2. TJ Talbot**, CR Dillon, “Development of an implicit finite-difference time-domain solver of the bioheat transfer equation,” BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Oct 11-14, 2023.
  3. L Badger**, K Monahan**, CR Dillon, “Minimizing uncertainty in tissue acoustic property measurements,” BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Oct 11-14, 2023.
  4. J Wilcox**, D Phair**, M Zoolakis**, M Allen, CR Dillon, “Development of a shear wave tensiometer for investigating Achilles tendinopathy in dancers,” BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Oct 11-14, 2023.
  5. AK Dame**, JT Grow**, SP Allen, H Odéen, CR Dillon, “A sensitivity study evaluating heating at the skull-brain interface during transcranial MRgFUS surgery,” 38th Annual Society for Thermal Medicine Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 24-27, 2023.
  6. CR Dillon, M Janát-Amsbury, A Payne, “A unique tissue preparation for characterizing uterine fibroid tissue properties for MRgFUS thermal therapies,” 5th International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC, Aug 28-Sept 1, 2016.
  7. A Farrer, S Almquist, CR Dillon, D Parker, D Christensen, A Payne, “Experimental assessment of phase aberration in MRgFUS breast treatments,” 5th International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC, Aug 28-Sept 1, 2016.
  8. M Holbrook, CR Dillon, S Almquist, A Payne, D Christensen, “Phantom development to verify ultrasound scattering in HIFU simulations,” BMES Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, Oct 7-10, 2015.
  9. S Johnson, A Farrer, CR Dillon, H Odéen, D Christensen, A Payne, “Non-invasive estimation of acoustic properties by minimization of experimental and simulated SAR,” 15th International Symposium of Therapeutic Ultrasound, Utrecht, Netherlands, April 15-18, 2015.
  10. CR Dillon, R Roemer, A Payne, “Quantifying perfusion-related energy losses during magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound,” 4th International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC, Oct 12-16, 2014.
  11. S Almquist, CR Dillon, D Parker, D Christensen, “A full-wave phase aberration correction method for transcranial high-intensity focused ultrasound brain therapies,” 4th International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC Metro Area, USA, Oct 12-16, 2014.
  12. H Odéen, N Todd, CR Dillon, A Payne, D Parker, “Effects of model inaccuracies in model predictive filtering MRTI,” ISMRM 22nd Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy, May 10-16, 2014.
  13. CR Dillon, D Christensen, R Roemer, “Non-invasive determination of bioheat transfer parameters for improved MRgHIFU treatment planning,” BMES Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Sept 25-28, 2013.
  14. CR Dillon, A Payne, R Roemer, “Comparison of two techniques for estimation of thermal diffusivity with MRgHIFU,” ISMRM 21st Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, April 20-26, 2013.
  15. CR Dillon, N Todd, J de Bever, A Payne, D Parker, D Christensen and R Roemer, “Effects of using MR thermometry for estimation of HIFU SAR, beam FWHM, and tissue thermal diffusivity,” 3rd International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC, Oct 14-17, 2012.
  16. A Payne, N Todd, CR Dillon, J Shea, R Gupta and N Rapoport, “MRI-guided focused ultrasound mediated drug delivery to pancreatic cancer: safety and efficacy,” 3rd International Focused Ultrasound Foundation Symposium, Washington, DC, Oct 14-17, 2012.
  17. CR Dillon, N Todd, D Christensen, D Parker and R Roemer, “Magnetic resonance-guided HIFU SAR estimation,” 29th Annual Society for Thermal Medicine Meeting, Portland, OR, April 13-16, 2012.
  18. CR Dillon, U Vyas, A Payne, D Christensen and R Roemer, “Comparison of SAR estimation techniques in MRgHIFU,” International Society of Therapeutic Ultrasound Annual Conference, New York, NY, April 10-13, 2011.

Local/Regional Conferences

  1. N Peterson**, B Jackson**, R Harris**, J Moulder**, A Benedict**, T Forbes**, B Geiger**, E Revill**, D Wagstaff**, CR Dillon, “Influence of interobserver variability in segmentation on breast cancer MRgFUS simulations,” Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, Sept 21, 2024.
  2. EF Smith**, M Allen, CR Dillon, “Measuring shear wave speed in tendons using low-cost accelerometers on a flexible PCB with an Arduino microcontroller,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024, Orem, UT, Feb 15-16, 2024.
  3. J Moore**, A Chipana**, SG Sanderson**, JR Hill, CR Dillon, “Investigation of the impact of heat treatment on Nitinol wires,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024, Orem, UT, Feb 15-16, 2024.
  4. P Adelman**, MB Snyder**, JG Bates*, CR Dillon, “Acoustic calipers to measure human tissue properties,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024, Orem, UT, Feb 15-16, 2024.
  5. T Burnett**, JG Bates*, MR Jones, CR Dillon, J Tencer, “Quantifying approximation errors in flash thermal diffusivity measurement technique using high fidelity simulations,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024, Orem, UT, Feb 15-16, 2024.
  6. J McConkie**, J Wilcox**, D Phair**, E Smith**, M Allen, CR Dillon, “A portable device for measuring Achilles tendon stresses in dancers,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024, Orem, UT, Feb 15-16, 2024.
  7. C Nelson*, B Jackson**, T Forbes**, N Peterson**, R Harris**, CR Dillon, “Image segmentation for breast cancer ultrasound therapies,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2024, Orem, UT, Feb 15-16, 2024.
  8. C Nelson*, B Jackson**, T Forbes**, N Peterson**, R Harris**, CR Dillon, “Medical image segmentation for breast cancer focused ultrasound therapies,” BYU Biomedical Engineering Association Research Conference, Provo, UT, Jan 25, 2024.
  9. K Li**, AW Johnson, SP Bott, CR Dillon, JK Sponbeck, C Nguyen, A Smedley, “The Effect of Menstruation Duration on the Achilles Tendon Cross-Sectional Area in Female Ballet Dancers," Southwest Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine, Costa Mesa, CA, October 27-28, 2023.
  10. L Badger**, K Monahan**, CR Dillon, “Reducing uncertainty in speed of sound and attenuation measurements,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2023, Salt Lake City, UT, Feb 17, 2023.
  11. B Easthope**, C Farias**, I Doddridge**, CR Dillon, “Characterizing temperature-dependent tissue properties for focused ultrasound modeling,” Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2023, Salt Lake City, UT, Feb 17, 2023.
  12. L Badger**, K Monahan**, CR Dillon, “Reducing uncertainty in speed of sound and attenuation measurements,” BYU Biomedical Engineering Association Research Conference, Provo, UT, Jan 19, 2023.
  13. B Easthope**, C Farias**, I Doddridge**, CR Dillon, “Characterizing temperature-dependent tissue properties for focused ultrasound modeling,” BYU Biomedical Engineering Association Research Conference, Provo, UT, Jan 19, 2023.
  14. CR Dillon, A Payne, D Christensen, R Roemer, “Non-invasive determination of bioheat transfer parameters for improved MRgHIFU treatment planning,” 9th Annual Utah Biomedical Engineering Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, Sept 7, 2013.
  15. CR Dillon, U Vyas, J de Bever, D Christensen and R Roemer, “Patient treatment planning for HIFU cancer therapy,” Canyons Symposium, Park City, UT, Sept 10-11, 2010.
  16. CR Dillon, A Payne, U Vyas, Y Wang, R Roemer, “Critically evaluating thermal models of perfused human tissue,” Canyons Symposium, Park City, UT, Sept 11-12, 2009.

Invited Talks

  1. CR Dillon, “Computational modeling for magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound therapies,” BYU Simmons Center for Cancer Research, Provo, UT, Nov 20, 2024.
  2. CR Dillon, “Computational modeling for MRgFUS therapies,” BYU Acoustics Research Group, Provo, UT, April 4, 2024.
  3. CR Dillon, “Bioheat transfer and why I should care about heat transfer in life,” BYU Mechanical Engineering Sweet Talks, Provo, UT, Mar 8, 2024.
  4. CR Dillon, “Accurate and efficient modeling for magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound treatment planning,” BYU Research Development Office Research Networking Conference, Provo, UT, Aug 29, 2023.
  5. CR Dillon, “Bioheat transfer: heat transfer in life,” BYU Mechanical Engineering Sweet Talks, Provo, UT, Mar 31, 2023.
  6. CR Dillon, “Bioheat transfer,” BYU Biomedical Grand Rounds, Provo, UT, Mar 16, 2023.
  7. CR Dillon, “Accelerated bioheat transfer modeling for magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) thermal therapies,” BYU Research Development Office Research Networking Conference, Provo, UT, Aug 23, 2022.
  8. CR Dillon, “Accelerated bioheat transfer modeling for MRgFUS thermal therapies,” BYU Biomedical Grand Rounds, Provo, UT, Mar 24, 2022.
  9. CR Dillon, “Mechanical engineers and focused ultrasound thermal therapies,” BYU Mechanical Engineering Sweet Talks, Provo, UT, Mar 4, 2022.
  10. CR Dillon, “Improving biothermal modeling of magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) therapies,” BYU Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar, Provo, UT, Feb 28, 2022.